Puppies out of Int. CH Sirkiss Red Velvet and BW 96, 97, 98, Lux & Dt. VDH CH. Soraya du Domaine d'Haïsha (born on 03/09/98).
First, we would like to thank those two breeders and friends for taking so good care of our dear dogs and for campaigning our kennel name abroad.
Xéryus is owned by Mrs Ann Swärd
(Kennel "A One's" Sweden).
He is tested free of HD ! His best results: he has two Swedish CC's, he is Kassel Junior Winner 99, Young German Champion, and was Best Junior and Best Of Breed in Hoogstraten 99 (Belgium). He is in Belgium at the moment. |
Xiru is owned by Mrs Sirpa Huusari
(Kennel "Sirkiss", Finland).
She has already two CC's in Finland. She has also been BOB (and BOG 5) and BOS ! |