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Brussels Junior Winner 03,
Europa Jugendsieger 04, Belgian Winner 04
Sweet Brunette - "Lahja" |
Born on 11/02/2003
Breeder : Helena Siven & Elena Oikkonen - "Oleaginous"
Co-owned with Helena Siven - "Oleaginous"
Free of eye disease (last tested on April 2004) - HD C - Elbow 0/0
Portée prévue fin 2005 - Litter planned end
of year 2005

Le livre d'or de Lahja / Lahja's Guestbook
Father : FIN CH Darby's Decoy |
Mother : INT & FIN & EST & RUS & Lv
CH, FinW-00, LvW-01, WW-02, WA-02, FinW-02 Akvavitix Oleaginous Olga |

Le jour de son arrivée
/ First day with her
new owner |
2 mois et demi / 2 months and half |
4 mois / 4 months |
4 mois & demi / 4 months & half |
6 mois / 6 months |
7 mois / 7 months |
7 mois & demi / 7 months and
half |
mois / 8 months |
9 mois / 9 months
11 mois / 11 months |
1 an / 1 year |
March 2004 - 13 months
Photos à l'expo de Krefeld le 16/05/2004, cliquez
Photos at Krefeld
Show on 16/05/2004, click here. |
June 2004 |
Photos à l'expo de Cologne le 18/07/2004, cliquez
Photos at Koln
Show on 18/07/2004, click here. |
Photos à l'expo de Liège 24/07/2004, cliquez
Photos at Liège Show on 24/07/2004, click
here. |
Photos à l'expo de Luxembourg 05/09/2004, cliquez
Photos at Luxembourg Show on 05/09/2004, click
here. |
Photos à l'expo d'Iserlohn 14/11/2004, cliquez
Photos at Iserlohn Show on 14/11/2004, click
here. |
Photos à l'expo de Hannut 28/11/2004, cliquez
Photos at Hannut Show on 28/11/2004, click
here. |
Photos et vidéos à la Crufts le 12/03/2005, cliquez
Photos and videos at Crufts show on 12/03/2005, click
here. |
Mars 2005 |

Résultats d'expos /
Show results
Date |
Lieu / Place |
Juge / Judge |
Result / Résultat |
SSA National Show (B)
Mr Oliveira (P) |
1st Very Promising - BOB Puppy |
10/08/2003 |
Louvain (B) |
Mrs Wild (CH) |
1st Very Promising - BOB Puppy, in the selection of the
6 BIS Puppys on the main ring |
05/09/2003 |
Mr Homem De Mello (P) |
1st Very Promising - BOB Puppy -
27/09/2003 |
Maastricht (NL) |
Mr Beattie (IRL) |
2nd Very Promising |
11/10/2003 |
Hannut Young & Veterans Day |
Mr De Cuyper (B) |
1st Excellent - Best Young |
12/12/2003 |
Brussels (B) |
Mr Borges (P) |
1st Excellent - Belgian Junior Winner - (donc
Lahja est qualifiée pour la CRUFTS 2005 - so Lahja is qualified for Crufts 2005
!!!!!!!!!) Best Young - Best Of Breed |
22/02/2004 |
Gent (B) |
Mr Hansen (DK) |
1st Excellent - Best Young - Best Of Breed |
14/03/2004 |
Hoogstraten (B) |
Mr Jakkel (H) |
1st Excellent - Best Young - Best Of Breed |
28/03/2004 |
Luxembourg |
Mr Andras Korozs (H) |
Best Young - Young Luxembourg Champion |
09/05/2004 |
Dortmund (D) |
Mr Kliebenstein (D) |
!!! |
16/05/2004 |
Krefeld (D) |
Mr Beyersdorf (D) |
1st Excellent - CAC + CAC Klub - Meilleure femelle - Best
Bitch - Best Of Breed |
18/07/2004 |
Cologne (B) |
Mr Antonovic (CZ) |
1st Excellent - CAC - Reserve CAC Klub |
24/07/2004 |
Liège (B) |
Mr Pichard (CH) |
1st Excellent - CAC - CACIB - Best Of Breed - Selected in
the 6 Best Of Group on the main ring |
05/09/2004 |
Luxembourg |
Mrs Ahrens (A) |
1st Excellent - CAC - CACIB - Best Of Breed - In the first
selection in the main ring |
15/10/2004 |
Dortmund (D) |
Mr Richter (D) |
1st Very Good |
14/11/2004 |
Iserlohn (D) |
Mr Studenik (CZ) |
1st Excellent - CAC - CAC Club - Best Of Breed |
28/11/2004 |
Hannut Young & Veterans Day |
Mr Chamberlan (B) & Mrs Van Mechelen (B) |
1st Excellent - BOB - 3rd BIS Intermediate Class |
11/12/2004 |
Brussels (B) |
Mr Van de Weyer (NL) |
1st Excellent - CAC - CACIB -
Belgian Winner - Qualified for Crufts 2006 - Best of Breed - In the
first selection on the main ring |
12/03/2005 |
Crufts (UK) |
Mrs J W Johnson |
5ème (VHC Very High Contended) |
27/03/2005 |
Luxembourg |
Mrs Vandoni-Furiosi (I) |
1st Excellent - CAC - RCACIB |
Lahja is now LUXEMBOURG CHAMPION !!! |
Le livre d'or de Lahja / Lahja's Guestbook

© Domaine d'Haïsha
English Cocker Spaniel
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