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du Domaine d'Haïsha - "Milow"
2009  |
Everything is more than okay with the new
puppy! I decided to call him Milow. My other cocker spaniel Otis and he
are great friends; they play together all day. He still eats like the
best and had his second vaccination last week. He is a very sweet,
naughty though also easygoing little fellow. I love him very much. It's
like he has always been here with us.
As soon as I have some photo's I will send
them to you!
Lots of regards,
Maryse Grasmeijer, Otis and... Milow!"
Here are some pictures of little Milow; having a lot of fun! :)
Maryse Grasmeijer"

2009  |
Comment allez-vous? (My french doesn't go much further than that! But I'm
trying to learn as much French as I can for Milow :))
I just wanted to let you know that little Milow is growing up very
beautifully! He's a lovely little fellow! I love him very much... He is big
friends with my other dog Otis as you can see in the pictures I've added to
this e-mail. The photo's were taken today in the park near our house; a
beautifull place for him to run free every day!
Maryse, Otis et Milow" |

"One last message
from Milow&co for this year! I made a few new photo's of him and Otis sleeping
and having fun! Let's hope 2010 will bring us all lots of luck!
Bonne Année!
Best regards,
Maryse, Otis et Milow!"

2010  |
Le 27/04/2010 |
Comment allez-vous? :)
It's been a while sinds I send you any pictures of little Milow, who's not
so little anymore...
He's growing more everyday and becoming a beautiful cocker spaniel. He and
Otis are still doing just fine! We have a lot of fun walking in the park
next to our house and taking trips in a doggy trailer behind my bicycle!
So here are the pictures! Enjoy!
Au revoir!
2011  |
Bonjour! Greetings from
Holland! It has been a long time (too long) since I've let anything hear
from me and the dogs! Milow (Igor du domaine d'haisha) is still doing
wonderfull! He has grown out to become a beautiful red cocker. He also
has a new friend called Oakley! I've added some pictures for you to see... I
hope everything is okay with you and your dogs and I'll try to send pictures
a bit more often! Au revoir!

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© Domaine d'Haïsha English Cocker Spaniel