CACIB - 05/05/2006

In English
*** R�sultats / Results ***
Judge comments ***
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Encore une tr�s bonne journ�e d'expo pour nous.
Une ambiance chaleureuse, une organisation "top", et d'excellents
r�sultats ... Seuls points n�gatifs : Le trafic pour arriver
l�-bas, surtout un vendredi (nous �tions partis avec 1/4 heure
de retard le matin), et pour revenir � la maison... Mais le
jeu en valait la chandelle !
Nous sommes tr�s fiers de nos chiens, notamment
de Blondie ("Charbonnel Suzette") qui, en gagnant la "meilleure
jeune femelle", remporte le titre de "Europajugendsieger 2006" ainsi
que de Katia ("Be My Honey du Domaine d'Ha�sha") qui devient donc,
avec ce (double) CAC, "Championne VDH" (homologation en cours).

One very good show day more for us. A
friendly atmosphere, a great organisation, and excellent results.
The only negative point is th traffic to get to Dortmund, especially
on Friday (and we left home 15 minutes too late in the morning), et
to go back home... But we don't regret it !
We are very proud of our dogs, especially
Blondie ("Charbonnel Suzette") who, by winning the "Best Young Bitch",
also gained the title of "Europajugendsieger 2006", and also Katia (Be
My Honey du Domaine d'Ha�sha") who become, by winning that (double)
CAC, "VDH Champion" (in homologation).

R�sultats / Results
Juge : Mr Wood (UK)
94 Cockers anglais inscrits / 94 English
Cockers entered
V = Excellent
SG = Tr�s Bon / Very Good
vv = Tr�s Prometteur / Very Promising
Anw / A = CAC
Fehlt = Absent
Ursino vom Odenwald Platz 1 VDH-Vet. Anw.
Romantica�s Giacomo fehlt
Adonis de Montana Cristalina V1, J-VDH-A. , J-CAC-Club,
M.Maxime vom Schlehdorn fehlt
Prince Tan vom Klosterberg SG 2
Mandy�s Aragon fehlt
Bewitching�s Double Challenge SG2
Elmelund�s Daredevil SG1
Trocadero�s Carlito V4
Paisley�s Way of Life V2, VDH-Ch.A.
Mandy�s Paolo fehlt
Blacky Dream Boy vom Klosterberg SG
Z�Billy Boy Du Domaine D�Haisha V3
Victoria Yeti Made in Austria V1, VDH-Ch.A., Club CAC, CACIB,
Europasieger, BOB
Cara�s Charmer fehlt
Tajmahal Prince of Dreams SG
Ari von Malmaison SG3
Black Rulett of Dollywood V1, VDH-Ch.A.
Jumabe�s Dino Daidalos SG2
Casanova of Luna�s Dynasty V1, VDH-Ch.A.
Tihany�s All My Life V2, R-VDH-Ch.A.
Evita vom Haus Helenen-Ruh 2.Platz Res. V-VDH-CH.A.
Iorrendrill�s Dear Prudence 1. Platz, Vet-CAC Club, V-VDH, Bester
Energy Du Domaine D�Haisha VV
Bewitching�s Empress Dream VV
Star�s Ricky-Ticky-Tavi VV
Trocadero�s Easterwish fehlt
Olivia of Luna�s Dynasty fehlt
Xmas Dream Girl von der Burgm�hle fehlt
Paisley�s a little bit moore fehlt
Ursina vom Haus Helenen-Ruh SG
Charbonnel Suzette V1, J-VDH-Ch.A., J-CAC Club, Europajugensieger
Neela von Schwarzfeld SG
Tajmahal Indian Maharani SG4
Gressy vom Nikolausberg SG
Mme Malou vom Schlehdorn V2, Res.J-VDH A.
Maximiliane vom Schlehdorn V3
Happy vom Hillscheider Limes SG3
Daytona du Domaine D�Haisha SG2
Elmelund�s Hot Chili Coffee V1, VDH-Ch.A.
Be My Honey du Domaine D�Haisha V1, VDH-Ch. A.
X-Press Train of Dollywood V1, VDH-Ch. A., R-CACIB
Memory of Timbo von Schwarzfeld SG2
Kiara Kasylda Hetiw SG3
Lovely Leila Hetiw SG3
Cara�s Bethany fehlt
Tajmahal Bright Melody V1, VDH-Ch.A.
Aro�s Thomas Platz 1 VDH-Vet. A.
Westerner Glengarry SG1
Romantica�s Filou SG4
Blue Shadow�s Winter Ghost SG3
Gregory von Ester�s Castle SG
Porsche vom Schloss Hellenstein SG2
Negro�s Valentino SG3
Syber Brakeman fehlt
Beauty Line�s East of Eden SG2
Beach Boy vom Rauhen Holz V1, VDH-Ch.A.
Aro�s Flower Man SG3
Ingrid�s Claudio of Classic Line V2, R-VDH.-Ch. A.
Aro�s Ricardo V1, VDH-CH.A.
Backhill�s I Like It V1, VDH-Ch.A., Res. CACIB
Alen Ashen Dominik Green Hunter Hill SG2
Viggo vom Fasanenb�schel V4
Lucky Lips vom Rauhen Holz SG
Foo Fighter vom Rauhen Holz SG
Silverblue�s The Friendly Ghost SG
Tripol�s Sham Pain SG
Blue Shadow�s Magiclightning SG
Fozzy Bear vom Rauhen Holz V3
Baccardi�s Uccello SG
Beauty Lines Damien Dream Dancer V1, VDH-Ch.A.
Aro�s Blue Spanish Eyes V2, R-VDH-Ch.A.
Speggle-Waggle�s Voila V1, J-VDH-Ch. A.
Jolly Scamp�s Sundance fehlt
Quaondy�s Xecuseme SG3
Iriski�s Credit Card SG4
Ornella vom Friedenshain SG
Sweet Love Affair vom Stieglitzgrund SG2
Negro�s Virginia SG2
Scrabble�s Fan-Bony SG1
Blue Shadow�s Winter Synphony SG3
Juliette von der Sonnenwiese SG4
Correlet Abracadabra V1, VDh-Ch.A.
Romantica�s Yasmine SG2
Himlahunden Tummelisa fehlt
Liljenthal�s Dalwhinnie SG
Billsor Comedancin V3
Silverblue�s Tour De Isabella V4
Blue Dreamgirl aus dem Cockerland SG
Ingrid�s I�m the Princess of Classic Line V1, VDH-Ch.A., Club CAC,
CACIB, Europasieger
Scrabble�s Bibbidi Boo SG
Nickel and Dimes Fazleby SG
Umma-Gumma Du Plateau de Chambles V2, R-VDH-Ch.A.
True Love vom Rauhen Holz SG

Commentaires du juge / Judge comments
Ch Z'Billy Boy du Domaine d'Ha�sha
"Head somewhat overdone, too
American with insufficient foreface. Good square muzzle,
lovely ear placement, good neck, shoulders, bones. Deep ribs
with short back. Well angulated, well muscled hind quarters.
Moved well, but tail carriage is too high."
Energy du Domaine d'Ha�sha :
"Ganz typischer junger H�ndin.
Sehr sch�ner H�ndinkopf. Scherengebiss. Alle proportionen im
Rahmen des Standards. Im stand und in der Bewegung perfekt.
Haarkleid ist in sehr guter Konidition".
Charbonnel Suzette :
"Lovely headed bitch with the
sweetest of expression. Kind dark eye, super ear placement,
outstanding neck and shoulders. Straight well boned front, good
ribs, short back. Excellent hind quarters. Moved with drive both
coming and going."
Daytona du Domaine d'Ha�sha :
"Nice outline, too masculine in
head, lacking prettiness that a bitch should have. Good ear
placement. godd neck placement, shoulders and upper arm.
Good ribs, well angulated hind quarters. Moved well."
Ch Be My Honey du Domaine d'Ha�sha
"Good head, with sweet expression.
Nice kind eye. Excellent neck, shoulders, and upper arm.
Good front, strong well shaped bone. Deep body with short back,
well angulated hind quarters. Moved well."

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� Domaine d'Ha�sha English Cocker Spaniel
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